Our Philosophy
The Learning Co-operative is committed to the fundamental belief that all individuals are unique and, as such, we each have our own unique learning agenda and preferred ways of learning. We therefore strive to create an environment where children are free to explore their creativity and individuality and those of others.
Choice, co-operation, open-mindedness, non-judgemental attitudes, wonder and curiosity are defining features of the learning environment. Natural curiosity and passion are at the heart of both the teaching and learning philosophy at the Co-op.
We are committed to the principles of self-awareness and empowerment where individuals have input into their own learning and personal development.
We are committed to the process of consensus, where each individual believes that their opinion, thoughts or feelings are respected, acknowledged and validated and they have an obligation to both express and articulate their needs and views and listen to others do the same.
We are committed to creating an environment that is nurturing and caring of the individual both in times of achievement and in times of struggle.
We are committed to an environment that fosters and promotes a love of learning, sharing and collaboration, peace and non-violence.
We also support non-authoritarian conflict resolution processes that respect differences and empower the people to develop solutions that meet everyone’s needs.
The Co-op values play and child-inspired learning. Child-inspired learning creates an environment where parents learn also, not only from the children but from each other as well. The very name ‘the Co-op” acknowledges this reciprocal effect. Activities and projects provide opportunities for parents and children to participate and learn together. Excursions, camps and visitors to the school enhance this shared experience of learning.
Co-op is seen to be part of a life-long learning process, which doesn’t start and finish with the school day. The aim is to respect each child, accept their individual development and recognise the child’s ownership of their own learning.