Our Teachers

Amy has been an ingetral part of the community since 2016, first as a parent, then as a teacher and is now stepping in to the role of Coordinator in 2025. Amy has a PhD in ecology and is passionate about nature and environmental science. She was involved with Forest Schools in the UK and worked as an outdoor teacher at the Botanic Gardens in Melbourne before becoming a teacher at Co-op. She particularly loves taking the children for bush walks, setting up opportunities to support nature play and exploring science in fun ways.
Amy loves teaching at Co-op; she really enjoys the freedom of play based learning and seeing how the children develop their individuality and confidence in a close community setting. She really enjoys multi-age teaching and seeing the benefits to children of the Co-op environment and philosophy. ​
Liz has been part of the furniture at Co-op for the last 20 years: First as a parent as her three boys went through Co-op and then as a teacher. She has been Co-ordinator at the Co-op since 2014 through to 2024 and has continued on with us a teacher.
Liz is a fantastic musician and she has inspired countless of children to explore and enjoy music over her time at Co-op. Liz teaches Italian and enjoys finding different fun ways of developing numeracy and literacy skills.
Liz is also passionate about nature and has taken the children on countless camps throughout Victoria. The camps play a vital role in developing children's independence, confidence and resilience and they love them.
Liz is instrumental in co-ordinating the annual Co-op concert, a drama and music extravaganza which is one of the highlights of the school year.
Liz is a very experienced teacher in the alternative sector and plays a very active role in networking with other alternative schools. Liz loves teaching at Co-op and wouldn't be anywhere else. Thank goodness. She is the heart and soul of Co-op for many. Liz works with all the children at Co-op but has a particular focus on the biggies (grade 5-6).